Specimens & Fossils

Specimens & Fossils
Rare gemstone, mineral and fossil specimens that can really enhance the positive energy of a room and sacred space.  These are head turning pieces that will start conversations.  They are pieces of our earth's ancient history, and are sacred.  We have an ever-changing selection of very special and unique pieces, so please check back often. 
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Angel Aura Standing Cluster ~ For Healing ~ B

Angel Aura Quartz is a sweet, loving and high-vibrational crystal that illuminates even the dulles..

$32.19 US

Angelite Polished Specimen

Angelite acts as a touchstone to angelic guides and channels clear communication. It also helps you ..

$5.43 US

Apophyllite Crystal Tip ~ Raise Your Vibration

Sparkly clear Apophyllite crystal tips are wonderful pieces for your crystal grids and collections.&..

$9.37 US

Aqua Aura Crystal

Aura crystals are irresistible. Their iridescent shimmer and metallic rainbow luster defy nature..

$2.96 US

Aqua Aura Crystal Specimen

These deep Aqua Aura crystal points are absolutely stunning. The colour is just out of this world!&n..

$8.21 US

Aquamarine, Partially Tumbled Specimens

These beautiful pieces of Brazilian Aquamarine are partially polished with unique natural "flaws" th..

$1.46 US

Aura Howlite Crystal Point ~ Forgiveness & Peace

Howlite: Decreases an overly critical state of mind, selfishness, stress, pain, and rudeness. It ..

$17.20 US

Baltic Amber Specimens

Baltic Amber is the fossil resin from pine trees that flourished in the Baltic region 25 to 60 milli..

$8.96 US

Bismuth Specimen

Bismuth is a gorgeous stone, which assists in creating a link with the spirit and with others. Thi..

$11.95 US

Black Amethyst Crystal Specimen C ~ Emotional & Spiritual Healing

Black Amethyst is a powerful crystal for emotional and spiritual healing, and are also helpful groun..

$44.93 US

Black Obsidian Rainbow Aura Points

These beautiful pieces of Black Obsidian have been placed into a very hot chamber and heated with ..

$8.96 US

Blue Amber Specimens

Blue Amber back in stock!A relatively rare variety of fossilized tree resin, blue Amber has only bee..

$9.71 US

Blue Apatite Natural Specimen

These smooth semi-precious stone slabs are cut and highly polished to allow the beauty of the stone ..

$5.96 US

Blue Azurite Specimens

Azurite is said to be a crystal of transformation and healing, assisting one's spiritual journey. Th..

$13.45 US

Blue Calcite Palm Stone, B

This beautiful Blue Calcite palm stone is very substantial when held. It has a great weight to it ..

$27.69 US

Blue Calcite Palm Stone, Large, A

This beautiful Blue Calcite palm stone is very substantial when held. It has a great weight to it an..

$29.94 US

Blue Chalcedony Cluster Specimen

While chalcedony is often used as a general term to describe microcrystalline quartz, in a strict se..

$14.95 US

Blue Kyanite Natural Blades

Blue kyanite is striated with a pearlized apearance. This brittle and fibrous mineral, aluminum si..

$2.21 US

Brandenburg Quartz, Tumbled

These gorgeous small pieces of Brandenburg Quartz was responsibly and ethically sourced. it is a spe..

$2.96 US

Brazilian Amethyst Crystal Point Specimen

A super high quality natural Amethyst crystal point from Brazil that has been polished. The depth of..

$23.94 US