The Secret Country of Yourself - Jenya T. Beachy

The Secret Country of Yourself - Jenya T. Beachy
The secret country of yourself is your unique inner cosmos, the place you visit in your dreams and fantasies, your visions and imaginings. The experiences you have there reflect all that has happened and all that can happen, and when you visit your secret country with intention, you can transform your life.

This book is a gateway to your secret country. It's your ticket and your tour guide to an experiential journey unlike any journey you've ever taken before. With this book you will interact with the best parts of yourself, the most challenging parts of yourself, and parts of yourself you may have forgotten you even have. The intentions and goals are simple: To know yourself, to heal yourself, to become all of who you are.

Publisher: Llewellyn Worldwide, LTD.

ISBN-10: 9780738752150

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