True Magic - Judika - Mickaharic Illes

True Magic - Judika - Mickaharic Illes
Written by renowned master of witchcraft Draja Mickaharic, author of Spiritual Cleansing, this book provides an introduction to natural magic as well as a practical reference for simple, everyday spells that really work. Included is an eclectic collection of over 100 spells, including water spells, spoken spells, spells passed down over generations, and spells developed by the author himself. Learn how to cast spells with water, incense, oils, and common kitchen herbs and with spoken and written words. Included are recipes and instructions on how to: Cast protection spells for reversal spells that may be cast on youMake baths for spiritual cleansing, growth, beauty, and harmonyCast spells for beginning and ending relationships

Publisher: Red Wheel Weiser

ISBN-10: 9781578637645

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