Essential Guide to Everyday Angels - Margaret Ann Lembo

Essential Guide to Everyday Angels - Margaret Ann Lembo
The angels are waiting to help you, all you need to do is ask! Essential Guide to Everyday Angels shares tips and techniques so you can connect to angels for more than fifty specific needs, from abundance to unconditional love. Join Margaret Ann Lembo as she explores the many different kinds of Everyday Angels and helps you experience their presence and assistance. For each angel, you will discover the associated gemstones, essential oils, colors, and chakras as well as affirmations. This book also includes suggestions for amplifying your prayers and keeping the doorway to higher consciousness open and flowing. Within these pages, you will find everything you need to work and play with the angels while creating a happy, balanced life.

Publisher: Llewellyn Worldwide, LTD.

ISBN-10: 9780738764993

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