Scolecite DT Crytal Point

Scolecite DT Crytal Point

Beautiful double terminated Scolecite crystal point that can be used as a wand for crystal healing, wrapped and made into a pendant, or used in various other ways such as crystal healing grids and displays. Each measure approximately 4.3 cm long to 4.5 cm x 1.2 cm thick.

Scolecite gently awakens the higher mind, helping one to gain a deeper understanding of one’s soul journey.  It enhances the dream state and assists with dream recall. This high vibration crystal facilitates inner peace and tranquility. A beautiful crystal to place under your pillow, or in the case of a sphere - beside the bed, will support relaxation and help you sleep. Scolecite is also wonderful for aiding communication with the spirit realm.

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