Crystal Healing

Crystal Healing

A selection of books to help you along your crystal healing and collecting journey. 

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10-Minute Crystal Healing - Ann Crane

10-Minute Crystal Healing highlights quick, easy, practical ways to incorporate natural, empo..

$19.60 US

1001 Crystals - Eason Cassandra

You may be familiar with rose quartz, amethyst, tourmaline, or selenite but what about agrellite, Bl..

$29.40 US

Animal Totems and the Gemstone Kingdom - Margaret Ann Lembo

Shares the wisdom of animals and their matching gemstones to help work on yourself mentally, emotion..

$18.84 US

Connecting with Crystals - Laurelle Rethke

A beautiful full-colour guide to 250 healing crystalsCrystals have been used for millennia for phy..

$23.75 US

Crystal & Gemstone Divination - G Butler

Once known by our ancestors, a channel of communication exists between the Mineral Realm and Humanit..

$18.47 US

Crystal Bible 2 - Judy Hall

If you loved The Crystal Bible, you'll definitely love this companion to it! The Crystal Bible 2 pro..

$21.83 US

Crystal Bible 3 - Judy Hall

This third volume of the bestselling Crystal Bible presents more than 250 new generation, high-vibra..

$21.83 US

Crystal Bliss - Devi Brown

A fresh approach to healing crystals—complete with advice for selecting, preparing, and using crys..

$15.07 US

Crystal Prescriptions - V 7 - Judy Hall

Crystal essences and gem waters have been used for thousands of years to bring the body back into ..

$23.34 US

Crystal Prescriptions - Judy Hall

Listing over 1,200 symptoms, this is a practical first-aid guide based on sound crystal-healing prin..

$15.80 US

Crystal Prescriptions - V6 - Judy Hall

Practical sixth book in the Crystal Prescriptions series covering crystals for karmic clearing, soul..

$19.57 US

Crystal Prescriptions - V8 - Judy Hall

Prosperity is a hot topic during uncertain times, but it tends to focus attention on money, or the..

$20.32 US

Crystal Prescriptions V3 - Judy Hall

This third A-Z directory by the author of The Crystal Bibles explores the effects of electromagnetic..

$14.29 US

Crystal Prescriptions Volume 5 - Judy Hall

The next in the highly successful Crystal Prescriptions series, this volume covers crystals for spac..

$19.57 US

Crystal Prescriptions, Vol 4 - Judy Hall

This directory provides all you need to know about crystals for the chakras, subtle energy bodies ..

$17.30 US

Crystal Prescriptions, Volume 2 - Judy Hall

The A-Z guide to over 1,250 conditions and their new generation healing crystals.  Another wond..

$14.29 US

Crystal Seer - Judy Hall

An essential, accessible, and portable volume for using crystals for divination and ritual. Within e..

$19.60 US

Crystal Shamanism - Rachelle Charman

Journey within to awaken your inner shaman. Based on bestselling author Rachelle Sharman's 20 years ..

$20.32 US

Crystalpedia - Athena Perrakis

Discover the healing power of more than 180 crystals in this ultimate guide to mineral magic. Crysta..

$27.89 US

Crystals - Jennie Harding

A magnificent crystal identifier profiling over 100 of the earth's most fascinating and beautiful mi..

$13.56 US

Crystals - Katie-Jane Wright

Crystals have existed on earth for millions of years. They're a tool which work with your energy fie..

$11.30 US

Crystals - Nikki Van De Car

Discover the power of crystals, from common stones to sacred rituals, in this enchantingly illustra..

$6.41 US

Crystals and Numerology - Editha Wuest

A full-color guide to harnessing the potential of your life numbers through the supportive and heali..

$16.21 US

Crystals For Energy Protection - Judy Hall

Best-selling crystal author gives practical instructions to protect our energy with crystals. This i..

$18.84 US

Crystals, Updated Edition (tp) NR - Rachelle Charman

Crystals, the definitive crystal Bible, brings a fresh new approach to the world of crystals by prov..

$21.07 US

Daily Crystal Inspiration - Heather Askinosie

Tap into your crystal intuition with this 52-card oracle deck for transformation and inspiration in ..

$27.89 US

Discover Your Crystal Family - Kathryn Hudson

A full-color guide to working with crystals and their reflections in the angelic realm • Prov..

$23.75 US

E.C. Guide to Gemstones, Minerals, Metals, and More - S Kaehr

Edgar Cayce gave many readings over his lifetime and a number of them referred to gems, stones, mine..

$18.06 US

In Focus Crystals - Bernice Cockram

The In Focus series applies a modern approach to teaching the classic body, mind & spirit subjec..

$19.60 US

Little Book of Crystals - Judy Hall

This enchanting little guide contains everything you need to enhance your life using crystals. Focus..

$8.29 US

Little Crystals Kit

Discover how crystals can enrich your life with The Little Crystals Kit - from bestselling author an..

$12.81 US

Little Pocket Book of Crystal Healing (tp) - Philip Permutt

Get in touch with the natural healing energy of crystals and transform your life forever.Crystal hea..

$15.04 US

Magic of Crystals - Ken Taylor

Journey on the path of self-discovery through the magic of crystals. Whether you need the power..

$15.04 US

Moldavite - Robert Simmons

Moldavite is a gemstone that fell to Earth. In this book the authors explore Moldavite in its scient..

$14.29 US

Mystery Of The Crystal Skulls - C Morton

Native American and Maya legends tell of thirteen life-size crystal skulls containing information cr..

$16.96 US

Power of Gems and Crystals - Soozi Holbeche

In this intriguing book, Soozi Holbeche reveals the fascinating secrets and mysteries associated wit..

$15.07 US

Stones of the Goddess - Nicholas Pearson

A practical guide to working with gemstones and crystals connected to Goddess energy for magick, hea..

$37.69 US

Ultimate Guide to Crystals & Stones - Uma Silbey

For centuries, ancient cultures referred to crystals as the veins of the earth, frozen liquid, and f..

$24.84 US

Young Witch's Guide to Crystals - Cassandra Eason

A comprehensive and beautifully illustrated introduction to using crystals in magick, geared specif..

$17.30 US

Zenned Out Guide to Understanding Crystals - Cassie Uhl

The Zenned Out Guide to Understanding Crystals covers everything you need to know about crystal..

$19.60 US